PG McMahon
Rossa McMahon, Partner at PG McMahon
Vizlegal helps us find crucial legal information, at home or on the go
Vizlegal helps us find crucial legal information, fast. Court diaries, published judgments, rules and practice directions can be difficult to navigate at source and even harder to accurately search, so the fast and effective search functions of Vizlegal are a key feature. We initially tried Vizlegal to keep track of High Court case records and find the email alert function excellent.
However, the other alert functions for search phrases are just as useful in tracking developments and keeping up to date with new judgements.
Importantly, the mobile version of the service is easy to use too, and fast, so it is a great tool to use when out of the office. The databases available and services offered have expanded significantly to include information from the Trademarks Office of Ireland and the decisions of the Workplace Relations Commission and we have been particularly impressed with how the company reacts to feedback and continues to develop and test new features.